Toughness, Accountability, Execution, and Family.
Toughness, Accountability, Execution, and Family. These are the four core values that every Mule football player must live by in order to see success. Toughness doesn't just mean going in the weight room and throwing around heavy weight. Or going out on the field and hitting someone as hard as you can. It's deeper than that. One must have their mental toughness to the same standard if not higher than their physical toughness. The type of mental toughness that even when things aren't going as planned we're still willing to dig deep and find a way to make it happen. We must also be accountable to be a part of the UCM football team. Football is a team dependent sport and if one person is not held accountable not only by their teammates but by themselves, then the whole team will suffer. This isn't just being accountable on the field as most would think. This is being accountable in the classroom too. Each athlete must maintain a 2.0 GPA in order to be eligible to play....